Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi Review: The eighth instalment of the epic Star Wars saga is finally here! Get your popcorn, drink and stay glued to your seat and get set to travel to a galaxy far far away. The question is, will the Force be with Rian Johnson’s version of Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi or will its flaws turn it to the Darkside? Last Jedi picks up where Force Awakens ends. The Rebellion, having just destroyed the Starkiller base, are evacuating their base on Takodana because the First Order is on their way for payback. But before they can leave, the First Order arrives and immediately starts to power up their new weapon, the Dreadnought, to destroy the Rebel Scum! Anticipating this move, the Rebellion’s best flyboy, Poe (Oscar Isaac) tries to buy time for everyone to evacuate by confronting the deadly weapon single-handedly. In doing so, he ignores General Leia Organa’s (Carrie Fisher) orders and launches his own counter-attack which prove...