George Clooney’s Suburbicon , a picturesque community of cookie-cutter homes, manicured lawns and friendly neighbors. A place that seems to be a peaceful place to settle down and raise a family right? Well, don’t get too comfortable, because this is a total mess. Gardner Lodge (Matt Damon), is the typical nerdy looking accountant who lives in Suburicon with his wife Rose (Julianne Moore) and son Nicky (Noah Jupe) who seem to be enjoying a nice quiet life. One day, a new family moves into the home directly behind Lodge’s, the Mayers, the first African American family. Maggie, Rose’s twin sister suggests that Nicky “go on over and play ball with that little colored boy” and welcome them to the neighborhood. Later that night, a couple of hoodlums break into the Lodge’s home, tie everyone up, and chloroform everyone ultimately killing Rose. Meanwhile, the town is in a huge uproar about the Mayers moving into their neighborhood. So much so, an emergency meeti...