Avengers: Infinity War Review The days of post-credits and minor glimpses of Thanos has ended. The Russo brothers have finally brought the Mad Titian to do battle in Avengers: Infinity War and it is every bit of epic awesomeness we waited for! Infinity War starts off with a bang! There is no slow build-up to the first battle scene, nope not here. We see Thanos (Josh Brolin), standing over the bodies of refugee Asgardians from Thor: Ragnarok , already in possession of the power stone. He has Thor in a head lock with just two fingers, he then turns to Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and asks for the space stone. At the same time, the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) comes out of nowhere and proceeds to Hulk Smash. Well you know that didn’t go well. It went so wrong that the next time we see the Hulk; he has crash landed into the New York Sanctum Sanctorum where he meets Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). Seeing this, Loki hands ove...