It Chapter 2 Muschietti’s It Chapter 2 closes the book on the Losers and Pennywise spectacularly. It Chapter 2 opens up on a happy note. Yes, happy, but its Derry so you know the happiness won’t last long. The Derry festival is in full swing and everyone eating cotton candy, playing games and having a good time. A guy wins a prize at the water balloon game, looks an see a disappointed young girl, bends down and thanks her for letting him win, then hands her his prize. At that point, he and his boyfriend walk off holding hands and loving on each other. The sight of them angers an ignorant group of thugs who end up gruesomely attacking them and throwing one in the river. Struggling to stay afloat and breath, the victim is helped out of the water, by none other than a hungry Pennywise (Bill SkarsgĂ„rd). See, told you the happiness wouldn’t las...